MacOS have a built-in screenshot feature which can be used right off the bat. This feature is an important one which I previously never met in Windows environment. It’s so helpful to chat and give instant example of my screen.
However, I took screenshots often, so it started to pile up on my desktop. Something I’m not very fond about. Fortunately, I can set up a dedicated folder for them and have them automatically save there. This can be done with a simple Terminal command
First, I create a dedicated screenshots folder via Finder.

Open Terminal, and fire these commands. Don’t forget to change the path on the first command. The easy way rather than typing the path by yourself is by dragging the newly created screenshots folder into the Terminal, after you type
defaults write location /Users/username/Pictures/Screenshots
killall SystemUIServer
The first command, sets the screenshot location to defined path, and the seconds restarts the SystemUIServer so the alteration can be recognized instantly by system.